Application Form

Course accredited by the rating and accreditation agency of higher education (A3ES)


Alexandra Maria de Almeida Matos Pereira

Entrance Exams

One of the following tests:

  • 04 - Economy
  • 09 - Geography
  • 16 - Mathematics


The Degree in Tourism Management has as its main objective the formation of excellence in human resources for the professional activities of tourism.

The Study Plan is structured on a solid theoretical component in the scientific areas of Tourism and Management (where ISLA is widely recognized, with a 98.1% employability degree).

The scientific area of Tourism includes the structuring curricular units, as well as innovative areas, according to the needs of the tourism market, having a qualified faculty with solid academic, scientific and professional experience acquired in public and private organizations.

Thus this curriculum is based on value formation, adapted to new trends aiming at entrepreneurship, resource sustainability, and valuing career and training in tourism.

Professional exits

  •  National and local Tourist Guides;
  •  Specialized technician in touristic operations;
  •  Touristic programs and events coordinators;
  •  Tourism project managers;
  •  Consultants and trainers in tourism.


  • Diurnal
  • Evening

Course Plan

1st Year
Curricular UnitsHoursECTSSemester
Fundamentals of Tourism 45 5 1st
Sociology of Leisure 45 5 1st
Quantitative Methods 45 5 1st
Management of Organizations 45 5 1st
Research Methods 45 5 1st
Digital Technologies Applied to Tourism 45 5 1st
Tourism Economics 45 5 2nd
Geography and Spatial Planning 45 5 2nd
Tourism Legislation 45 5 2nd
Natural Heritage and Tourism 45 5 2nd
English Language I 45 5 2nd
Foreign Language I 45 5 2nd
Total   60  
2nd Year
Curricular UnitsHoursECTSSemester
Cultural Heritage and Tourism 45 5 1st
Accounting and Finance for Tourism Companies 45 5 1st
Product and Destination Marketing 45 5 1st
Tourism Organization and Policy 45 5 1st
English Language II 45 5 1st
Foreign Language II 45 5 1st
People Management in Organizations 45 5 2nd
Management and Sustainability of Tourism Resources 45 5 2nd
Quality Management 45 5 2nd
Markets and Tourist Destinations 45 5 2nd
Restauration, Gastronomy and Enology 45 5 2nd
Event Planning, Organization and Management 45 5 2nd
Total   60  
3rd Year
Curricular UnitsHoursECTSSemester
Innovation and Experience Design in Tourism 45 5 1st
Mobility and Tourism Transport 45 5 1st
Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Management 45 5 1st
Ethics and Social Responsibility and Citizenship 45 5 1st
Internship / Applied Project I 90 10 1st
Planning and Management of Tourism Projects 45 5 2nd
Hotel Management 45 5 2nd
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism 45 5 2nd
Strategic Management 45 5 2nd
Internship / Applied Project II 90 10 2nd
Total   60  

