Application Form

Course accredited by the rating and accreditation agency of higher education (A3ES)


Firmino Oliveira da Silva (ISLA Gaia)

Ricardo Vardasca (ISLA Santarém)


The economic and social development associated with the fast digitization of the economy has projected activities related to technologies and web systems, which have been assuming increasingly complex and demanding intervention dimensions, with their own specificities and technical scope. The sophistication of processes and methods implies an ever increasing level of competence. Generalist skills are no longer sufficient, it is essential to master specific technical, scientific and behavioral skills.

The main objective of the Master Degree in Web Technologies and Systems Engineering is to provide students with a professional specialization through up-to-date and advanced training in technical and scientific fields related to computer sciences, further enabling them with skills allow the development of applied research.


The fundamental objective of the study programme is to train professionals and researchers, enabling them to acquire a specialization of a professional nature in the scientific area of the study cycle that will enable them to:

  • Apply knowledge and skills to understand and solve problems in new and unfamiliar situations, in broad and multidisciplinary contexts, in many cases in the context of research;
  • Demonstrate ability to integrate knowledge, deal with complex issues, develop solutions or make judgments in situations of limited or incomplete information, including reflections on the ethical and social implications and responsibilities resulting from such solutions and judgments;
  • Be able to communicate their conclusions, and knowledge, both to experts and non-experts, in a clear and unambiguous way;
  • Acquire skills that allow lifelong learning in a self-directed or autonomous way.

For who?

  • Holders of a degree or legal equivalent in the fundamental scientific area of the study programme or related fields, preferably in the areas of Informatics, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Technologies and Information Systems;
  • Holders of a foreign higher education degree in the fundamental scientific area of the study programme or related areas, awarded following a 1st cycle of studies in accordance with the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process, preferably in the areas Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and Systems;
  • Holders of a foreign higher education degree in the fundamental scientific area of the study programme or related fields, which is recognized as meeting the objectives of the graduate degree by the CTC;
  • Holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized as certifying their ability to complete this study programme by CTC.


  • After Work 

Course plan

1st year
Curricular UnitsECTSSemester
Web Programming 6 1st
Data Knowledge Extraction 6 1st
Interaction Design 6 1st
Information Systems Planning and Development 6 1st
Option 1 6 1st
Advanced Web Programming 6 2nd
Research Methodologies 6 2nd
Mobile Application Development 6 2nd
Artificial Intelligence 6 2nd
Option 2 6 2nd
Virtual and Augmented Reality * 6 Opt
Cloud Computing * 6 Opt
Computer Security * 6 Opt
Digital Marketing and E-Commerce * 6 Opt
Content Management Systems * 6 Opt
Distributed Systems * 6 Opt
Open Source Software * 6 Opt
Total 60  
2nd year
Curricular UnitsECTSSemester
Seminars 10 1st
Project - Part I 20 1st
Project - Part II 30 2nd
Total 60  

* Choose 2 curricular units

